Top Keyword Extraction APIs to Extract Valuable Information

Top Keyword Extraction APIs to Extract Valuable Information

Manually extracting keywords from text is a tedious and time-consuming task that is best left to automatic keyword extractors.

Keyword extraction tools, like this online extractor, automatically pull out relevant words and expressions from text – helping you make sense of large sets of data, like product reviews, surveys, documents, and more. Not only that, but you can also extract valuable information to upload to a database, such as company names, emails, and product specifications. 

The most simple way to get started with automatic keyword extraction is by using SaaS APIs. SaaS tools are low-code, cloud-based solutions that you can set up in seconds. 

Let us help you find the right tool for your business. 

6 of the Best Keyword Extraction APIs

Most of these tools offer free plans or trials, so you can test which API is best for your business. 

  1. MonkeyLearn
  2. IBM Watson
  3. Amazon Comprehend
  4. Aylien
  6. TextRazor

1. MonkeyLearn

Best for: all businesses, from small start-ups to large companies in tech, retail, and e-commerce, seeking actionable insights from customer data.

MonkeyLearn is a user-friendly text analysis platform, featuring a pre-trained keyword extractor that you can use to extract key phrases from your data using MonkeyLearn's API.

APIs are available in all major programming languages, and developers only need to enter a few lines of code to extract keywords and get a JSON file with a list of extracted keywords. 

MonkeyLearn also has a free word cloud tool, a simplified ‘keyword extractor’, which allows you to generate tag clouds of your most important keywords.

2. IBM Watson

Best for: Larger companies with strong technical capabilities managing large volumes of data.

IBM Watson is an AI multi-cloud platform offering different pre-built applications and tools to help businesses get insights from data. 

With Watson Natural Language Understanding – a service for text analysis with deep learning – you can perform keyword extraction tasks that pull out entities, categories, and keywords in unstructured text. 

All these functions are available through a set of APIs. For keyword extraction, you can tailor your request to add sentiment or emotion information to each of the detected keywords. Coding skills are required to implement Watson NLU solutions. 

3. Amazon Comprehend

Best for: Companies looking for customizable text analysis tools without heavy computational requirements.

Amazon Comprehend is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) service within the AWS cloud platform. The keyphrase extraction API returns a list of the main talking points in a text, along with its frequency and confidence score.

There’s no installation needed to get started with Amazon Comprehend, you can access with your AWS credentials. Also, you don’t need expert knowledge of machine learning.

4. Aylien

Best for: Enterprises and developers with no NLP expertise that need to analyze large amounts of data.

Aylien is an AI platform with a series of solutions and tools to analyze large-scale data. With the Entity Extraction feature, you can find the main keywords, named entities, and values mentioned in a text. 

The APIs are easy-to-use and there’s extensive documentation in various programming languages to help you get started.


Best for: Companies looking for text analysis solutions that can be implemented quickly and require no AI expertise. is an AI platform that offers Natural Language Understanding (NLU) solutions for businesses, based on a neuroscience approach called [Semantic Folding]( The technology behind this platform is the Retina Engine, which builds semantic representations of words (called “semantic fingerprints”) to analyze text. 

You can access this software through its library and API, which can be run on the cloud or on-premise. The API is available in Java, Python, and Javascript, and allows you to find keywords in text, as well as other text analysis tasks. The whole process is easy, intuitive, and doesn’t require any knowledge of NLP. also offers a specific tool (Contract Intelligence) to extract relevant concepts from legal data. 

6. TextRazor

Best for: Developers that need fast extraction tools with advanced customization options. 

TextRazor provides a cloud or self-hosted keyword extraction service. 

You can easily integrate the TextRazor API with any programming language, and start extracting meaning from text. You can extract keyphrases and entities in 12 languages, build custom extractors, and extract synonyms and relations between entities. 

Closing Words

Keyword extraction tools help companies summarize high volumes of data, automate routine tasks, like ticket tagging and data entry, and make smart decisions based on real customer insights.

Explore MonkeyLearn for a fast and cost-efficient way to start using keyword extraction.

Rachel Wolff

April 22nd, 2020

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