12 Best Customer Feedback Software Options for 2022

12 Best Customer Feedback Software Options for 2022

Customer feedback software helps businesses collect and analyze customer feedback in order to improve their services and brand.

Businesses that accurately analyze their customer feedback have noticed a sizable impact on customer retention, and, consequently, profitability. 

According to SuperOffice, investing in Customer experience has the potential to double your revenue within 36 months, and customer experience initiatives begin with collecting and analyzing customer feedback.

Accurate customer feedback analysis is propelled by techniques such as text analysis and data visualization to help businesses understand what their customers’ pain points are, what they want, and what demographic groups comprise their base.

However, in order to get the most out of your surveys, reviews, support tickets and more, you need customer feedback software on your side.

In this guide, we’ll outline the twelve best customer feedback software options out there, explaining each based on a few key differentiators. Let’s jump into it. 

Customer Feedback Software Options

We want you to understand which software is best for your business’s unique challenges. To help you decide we’ve highlighted the following for each software offering. 

  1. What it is ‘Best For’
  2. What sets it apart from similar software
  3. Pros and Cons (such as price points and/or scalability)

Without further ado, here are the twelve best customer feedback software options that we are putting under our microscope (feel free to click to whichever piques your curiosity):

  1. MonkeyLearn – Leading AI feedback analysis and visualization 
  2. HubSpot – Complete CRM platform
  3. SurveyMonkey – Out-of-the-box survey delivery 
  4. UseResponse – Customer support and feedback platform
  5. TrustPilot – Customer review management
  6. Survicate – Comprehensive survey delivery
  7. SurveySparrow – Survey delivery rethought
  8. Feedier – Cutting edge voice of customer (VoC) approach
  9. ProProfs Survey Maker – Template-rich survey and NPS delivery
  10. Typeform – Quality and brand voice focused surveys
  11. Hotjar – Heatmaps and website behavior analytics
  12. UserReport – Popular feedback and survey widgets 

1. MonkeyLearn – Leading AI feedback analysis and visualization

Because of an industry-leading powerful AI and Machine Learning backbone, the suite of products MonkeyLearn offers is as good as it gets for customizing feedback analysis to your company’s needs. 

This powerful AI uses sentiment analysis and keyword extraction to allow you to mine your data for exactly what you are looking for, rather than an approximation. This software is unmatched when it comes to tailored text analysis capabilities and its ability to parse your data to give you detailed insights that lead to specific actions. 

Because of how deep MonkeyLearn’s text analysis AI can dig into data it can deliver more accurate and more detailed results than any other software out there. This power and accuracy is key to retention as it ensures that your business understands pain points exactly. 

A lack of accuracy when locating a pain point could lead to a misguided customer experience fix, sending your teams (and money) off in the wrong direction. With MonkeyLearn you know you are getting the most advanced and powerful machine learning engine, so your accuracy is ensured. 

Once you’ve analyzed your data with MonkeyLearn, you can slice and dice your data in MonkeyLearn’s data visualization dashboard (see below) as part of MonkeyLearn Studio

Filter by sentiment, keyword, topic, and much more. Try out our demo dashboard for yourself.

2. HubSpot – Complete CRM platform

HubSpot excels at covering and managing all customer touchpoints. For this reason, of all the software here, HubSpot shines as the strongest complete customer relationship management (CRM) platform. 

What this means is that HubSpots’s software has great out-of-the-box tools for monitoring social media, support tickets and agent performance, website analytics, and much more and sending feedback from what it sees to your customer experience (CX) teams. 

If you already use Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM, HubSpot is built to easily integrate. But, really if you are overwhelmed with feedback coming in from numerous channels, HubSpot is the best option to stay on top of it all at once. 

3. SurveyMonkey – Out-of-the-box survey delivery

If this is your first time sending out a customer feedback survey, or if you are simply looking for easy ready-made templates to get you started, SurveyMonkey is a great easy-to-learn starting point for you. 

SurveyMonkey will get you off the ground quickly with its intuitive UI, meaning it's easy to learn. But, SurveyMonkey’s software capabilities have been expanding – it now features enterprise business ready capacity. This capacity is made possible by a suite of tools that leverage specialized market research. They have also added a swathe of business software integrations to click in with varied software infrastructures. 

4. UseResponse – Customer support and feedback platform

UseResponse is our featured customer support management solution amongst our array of software. Feedback is just as, if not more, crucial in customer support roles as customer interactions with agents have a massive impact on their satisfaction with your brand. 

Featuring customer service and support management tools, UseResponse also comes with Social Media CRM tools so you can have eyes out for any negative (or positive) responses to your support teams.

UseResponse now also offers an open source library so you can customize to your heart’s content – It’s an inexpensive solution to link your support teams with your customer experience (CX) teams by sharing feedback between the two.

5. TrustPilot – Customer review management

TrustPilot, which started out as a straightforward Danish consumer review website, has evolved into a useful tool for review feedback analysis.

Now, TrustPilot offers a ‘Freemium’ service to all businesses who want to access the reviews on their site. 

Furthermore, with Freemium and some of their more advanced options, TrustPilot promises a ‘protected’ environment. This means you will always be able to see all the reviews about your business, and even respond to assessments. Furthermore, TrustPilot’s software allows your business to create unique mailing lists, which you can use to prompt customers to review your service, thus generating more valuable feedback. 

For these reasons, TrustPilot can be a handy addition to any feedback approach – and you can’t beat free.

6. Survicate – Comprehensive survey delivery

If you aren’t new to the survey distribution game, Survicate might be the service for you. Survicate is equipped for advanced feedback campaigns of any size due to its multi-functionality and comprehensive integration.

Survicate provides a survey delivery service, net promoter score (NPS) monitoring, and feedback management software. Furthermore, it can implement and/or distribute surveys on websites, by email, via links, or by mobile (iOS and Android).

That’s already a lot, but ambitious feedback approaches will also welcome Survicate’s features Feedback Hub (easily aggregates feedback from multiple sources) and Feedback Button (an out-of-the-box website feedback button integrated for all site types). 

7. SurveySparrow – Survey delivery rethought

An alternative to SurveyMonkey, SurveySparrow specializes in making survey distribution ‘intuitive’ read:easy for both customer and business.

SurveySparrow have taken a novel approach and made their surveys very ‘chat-like’ and have had a positive response. Customers have found them engaging which is the desired outcome. An engaged customer is a customer who feels cared for, is building emotional attachment to a brand, and will give detailed and useful feedback. 

8. Feedier – Cutting edge voice of customer (VoC) approach

The dark art of customer experience management (CXM) that we mentioned above is integrally tied to feedback management. 

Feedier may be the future of both. It boasts an intuitive experience management solution that captures your voice of customer (VoC) by novel means. Moreso, it’s drag and drop editor makes creating feedback forms easier than ever before for technical teams (or even non-technical employees).

We recommend Feedier for cutting edge companies who already have a solid feedback management system going – its cutting edge software could add value to an already solid feedback management approach. 

9. ProProfs Survey Maker – Template-rich survey and NPS delivery

If you are looking for templates, integration, and advanced functionalities to ramp up your survey distribution game, look no further than ProProfs Survey Maker’s.

ProProf’s software sells itself with over a million sample survey question types, over a hundred different survey templates, and a ‘question bank’ to get you started, filtering its offerings into 20 categories of questions.

Also, ProProf’s API is custom integrated to seamlessly work with ZenDesk, MailChimp, and many others. If advanced survey distribution is on your checklist, and your team wants some fresh ideas, this is your option. 

10. Typeform – Quality and brand voice focused surveys

As opposed to ProProf’s, Typeform’s software is based on the principle that it's not about the type of survey, but how engaging it is.

Their software focuses on generating custom survey designs that users won’t instantly close. They also are conscious of brand personality, and are conscious that you want your survey’s to fit your business’s unique voice.

Typeform also offers a Live Preview mode (so you can double check your surveys as they are sent out) and their novel ‘Logic Jump’ tool, which analyzes user typeform as they respond to surveys in real-time, and change what questions come next based on how the user is responding.

11. Hotjar – Heatmaps and website behavior analytics

Hotjar, being a user behavior analytics tool above all else, is an inventive customer feedback tool that simply performs analysis that no one else does – that’s why Adobe, SurveyMonkey and many others use it.

Hotjar tracks user website interaction, and reports this behavior as feedback. How? They generate unique heatmaps, meaning where users moved, scrolled, or clicked on your site using their HeatMap recording software.

As icing on the cake, Hotjar also throws in video recording of user interaction with sites, landing pages, forms (basically any online locations). And they have unique behavior analysis software to locate ‘cool zones’ (areas of your site that customers are interacting with least. 

If you want to up your feedback game in an unparalleled way, and you are a primarily online business, Hotjar is for you. 

12. UserReport – Popular feedback and survey widgets

UserReport leads the game when it comes to feedback widgets. Trusted by large brands with expansive online presences like TripAdvisor and Toyota, UserReport’s two premier widgets can quickly change the game for your homepage.

These two, a survey widget, and a feedback widget, collect user information and make fixing bugs easy respectively. The survey widget, with user consent, collects both product satisfaction, NPS data, and demographic information from users. The feedback widget, on the other hand, is easily at hand if users run into any friction points – they can easily report their bug and get a friendly response and likely a quick fix.

UserReport is also conscious of internal problem friction points, so they programmed functionality in their software that allows employees to easily route tickets and/or fixes to the correct department if they end up in the wrong person's hands.

UserReport is a quick fix to get web-based feedback gathering on its feet, with a focus on making staying on top of your feedback easy for your employees and your business at large. 


With the options listed, you are sure to find customer feedback software that will be a great match for your company. Like any great pairing, the goal is synergy. If the software you choose makes your business's strengths shine and helps solve your weaknesses, then you’ve made great progress.

That progress will be essential in an increasingly competitive online market where brands compete on customer experience above all else. 

So, it is essential to consider customer feedback software when building your customer feedback loop strategy. It is important to note that none of these software exist in a vacuum – many, if not all have compatible API’s that can work in concert.

MonkeyLearn makes API integration and synergistic success a priority because our strength lies in our AI’s ability to supercharge any other business software – to further explore what it could do for you, check out our constantly growing API integrations.

Furthermore, for increased customizability, we offer an open source code library. Combine these two with the comprehensive offering of MonkeyLearn Studio and your feedback collection will undoubtedly benefit.

Sign up for a free demo with one of our data analysis experts to build a custom plan for your business today, or jump right in to a free trial.

Rachel Wolff

November 16th, 2021

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